Grave Omen: Halloween Seasonal Shoggoth
This creature is named not only for its uncanny resemblance to an aged Gravestone but because it is allowed to thrive within the Feral Family's private cemetery as a warning to those who might trespass.
We at the foundry have officially never lost a single subject, though in reality, more Shoggoths escape from their confines than are kept contained. Fortunately, something keeps them from straying too far and almost all contain themselves to somewhere on the grounds.
At its earliest stage of development, the Shoggoth that will become a Grave Omen finds a small and unkempt grave, burrowing into the ground and feasting upon whatever matter it can find. Over time it grows, its "stonework" becoming ever more elaborate, attracting the eye of any would be invaders who might be lured that bit too close, feasting on their unlucky victim so that it might become that more ornate and attractive. If someone makes the mistake of invading our grounds once, they are unlikely to have the chance to do so a second time.
The Feral Foundry does not condone the live consumption of trespassers.
Cast in 60A shore polyurethane rubber and 80D polyurethane resin.
Urethane cast eyes glow red in the dark after being exposed to UV light.
Roughly 80x80x60mm
Small parts may be a choking hazard and not suitable for children under 3 years old. Pieces are hand made and there may be subtle colour differences from piece to piece.