Unique amongst it's kin. The Greater Shoggoth known as Dagon shifts it's form very little, always maintaining the features of a gargantuan fish.
It bears the scars and trophies from many battles, though to our knowledge, has seldom left our grounds. Based on this we hypothesise that this form is from some genetic memory borne from one of the initial Shoggoth samples discovered.
It isn't unheard of that a Shoggoth can learn or create a new visage, but the consistency of this hulking, monstrous, beast is all too exact. We can only hope that the original inspiration for this likeness perished in some long forgotten age. If this is a mere facsimile, we do not wish to see the original.
Cast in 60A shore polyurethane rubber and 80D polyurethane resin.
Urethane cast eyes glow in the dark.
Roughly 100x70x70mm
Small parts may be a choking hazard and not suitable for children under 3 years old. Pieces are hand made and there may be subtle colour differences from piece to piece.